Wednesday 1 September 2010

Interlude : Authors notes

Authors notes

As with most stories I write (and sadly never really finish, fingers crossed for this one) I never really have a plan. There are always a few ideas that make a very slim line a story can balance on. But alas the line is never really all that stable and the plot tends to fall off (sadly no safety net).
This story was no exception. A simple idea grew into a few more, but as I was writing I realised that the original character Chris, wasn’t as strong as I wanted (Which is kind of hard to say because he is basically a more confident character of myself). Also the romance between Donna and Himself wasn’t all that interesting, and couldn’t really see where to go with them next.

The other couple in the story George and Carol, both in their 40’s have lived a life of love but also heart ache and sorrow. They have both lost something dear to them, their children. Carol who by choice lost her child, turning her back on her previous marriage, leaving all she had in that life for a new life with George.
George sadly lost his son due to an incident (One which has not yet been clarified) and his life is falling apart around him. One of those things is the relation between his wife Carol. Having agreed to take a break to let her think things through, George has gone to Paris to promote his new novel.

I have been struggling for awhile now on how to progress the story. Thinking it other I now see that George is the strongest character to write for. So many raw emotions and a past that isn’t so clear, he seems like his life, his tale would be what people would immerse themselves in. A new romance is always great to read and watch blossom. But a relationship that’s past its prime, a foundation that has been worked on, to make it what it is, to make it work. That is life, which is interesting, that has the potential to evoke the emotions I want the readers to feel.

When I started off writing this story I didn’t do it tell a tale, it was and still is a test to see if I can write and draw emotions and feelings from people. I want the reader to feel every pain and sorrow and every breath escape them as it does from the characters.

So now, writing this while eating my chocolate and drinking my tea, I just wanted to say that I, along with my thoughts and ideas are on the line. Looking down I get a sense of vertigo ripping through me. But a deep breath will clear my head. I hope these ideas come together, and I hope that I am able to finish this story.

I just wanted to thank the people, those of you who have read up to this point.
Thank you.
And for those who will continue to read, I fucking love you!
- David Davis

Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - Interlude