Tuesday 23 March 2010

Chapter 3

Have you ever experienced those uncomfortable silences, well I’m guessing so, one of those moments where not a single person talks or makes any noise, except maybe the gulping sound of the hot chocolate. The sound is what it always was, but now in this situation it is multiplied. Like walking through the hallway at night tip toeing trying not to make a noise only creating louder creaks than what you would have done. This uncomfortable silence was correct in name, their eyes meeting each other for a brief second before turning away. ‘Sounded pretty bad’ Donna spoke, breaking the silence. He lent back on his seat, adjusting his buttocks giving a slight clench when she spoke those words. ‘A little, but we weren’t really serious to be honest I don’t know why I agreed to go out with her ’. Her eyes fixed on his hand reaching for the mug. ‘Loneliness I guess’ he gave a little sigh and moved his body towards the table leaning into the slightly raised mug.

‘What about you?’ She placed the book down onto the table and took a quick sip of her drink. ‘What about me?’ she replied ‘Have you ever felt so lonely that you decided to date someone? Just to have that feeling of warmth, understanding?’ She gently shook her head, smiling. ‘I’ve only every dated one person. Lasted three years, and the reason why I dated him was because I was madly in love with him’. There was sharpness to her voice as she said it and a slight sadness in her eyes.
The sound of shuffling chairs behind them broke the convocation. The heavy footsteps on the old wooden floor echoed in the almost empty cafe. The old couple the young woman and her son walked past the old man smiling at Donna, turning to Chris giving a nod then throwing a few coins into the tip’s jar. The cafe was now empty. ‘Sorry just gotta’ she said pointing at the tables. ‘Yeah no worries’ he gave a smile.

She was tidying the tables the pots clashing as she put them into the sink. She saw Natalie’s cup of coffee on the counter that was left there by Chris. ‘Still’ she said pouring the coffee away into a second smaller sink. ‘Was kinda harsh what you said’ her back turned to him she didn’t turn round to see the reaction on his face, or see how his body reacts. Twitching fingers or maybe his back getting stiffer, he didn’t reply or try to correct her, simply gave a small nod which of course she didn’t see. ‘She did say some nasty things to you I suppose’ Clashing pots and water splashing as she rinsed the cups and place them down to dry. ‘No not really’ he took the last mouth full of hot chocolate just a small black puddle on the bottom. He stood up and handed the cup to her over the counter, resting his crossed arms on it. ‘I mean I am dull’ he said burying his chin in the gap of his crossed arms. His voice a little muffled ‘but I really don’t mind it. Sure I bitch about it from time to time when I see people living the life to the fullest’ He gave a slight laugh and stood up looking outside at the rain hitting the windows. ‘But that’s life rite?’ He hadn’t noticed that she hadn’t replied to his question. Nor that she was watching him, watching the rain. She had a soft smile on her soft pale face. She had rosy red cheeks and brown eyes. Her face, cheeks and lips where quite full. She wasn’t tall in fact she was quite short and although slim her thighs and legs where a little bigger. Pear shape is the expression. She turned back round to wash the last few dishes pulling the plug and drying her hands watching the water as it slips away down the drain.

‘Well-’ Chris said pulling the headphones from the bag that was now wrapped around him, resting from the shoulder. ‘I’m gunna get going’ he gave a sympathetic smile ‘It’s not often I get Saturdays off, especially when I still have some money to spend’ placing the headphones over his neck he gave another smile and tapped the counter ‘So I guess I’ll see you next time’.
‘Yeah till next time’ she replied in the same soft voice as his.
Chris had always been a fast walker, weaving through the crowds of Saturday shoppers. He was planning on going home after meeting up with the ice queen, but decided to take a short detour to the video store. The store his friend work and his friend’s father owned. It was one of those small shops on one of the hidden backstreets, away from the window shoppers, and known to those who really wanted to buy. The rain had stopped, a nice cool breeze swept through the street, creating ripples in the puddles. ‘Chris man, how you doing?’ There was always a warm welcome, something which he loved. ‘John, Jesus man I envy you so much!’ John was behind the counter drinking what was likely his fifth cup of tea today. ‘So you buying or just chilling out for a bit?’ ‘Well you’re in luck’ Chris said as he closed the counter hatch behind him, sitting on a very low but soft couch. ‘I was thinking I might do a bit of both
Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

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